How do I start my service?
Just call or text What's The Scoop? at 859-489-2606 or send an email to of your interest and we will call you back. We will schedule your first poop scoop pickup and determine a regular scooping schedule for your yard.
How often does our company come out?
We service our customers once a week, every other week, and twice a week. We start service as early as 7:00 a.m. depending on the amount of daylight.
Are there any contracts I have to sign?
No -- We can start and stop your service over the phone. We do ask for you to sign a service agreement which gives us permission to be on your property for the purpose of picking up the dog waste, as well you agree to pay us for services rendered. You may cancel service at anytime.
Is there an extra charge for the first-time?
Yes -- There is an extra charge for the initial service of $85.00 minimum. If for some reason there is an excessive accumulation of waste in your yard, any additional fees will be discussed with the customer.
What happens to the dog waste?
All waste is bagged . After we have picked up all the dog waste in the yard, we dispose of it into your herbie curbie (trash can), or set it near your garage door completely bagged and ready to go.
Can we work with your dog in the yard?
Yes, in most cases. We get along well with dogs; however, there are some cases when a dog will not let our workers into the yard. If you know that your dog is not good with strangers, or it becomes apparent that your dog will not allow us to clean the yard, then we ask that you restrain or confine the dog. We don’t want to take unnecessary risks with your dog or our employees.
Should I unlock my gate?
Yes. Since employees are not to climb or jump over fences, please have your gate unlocked on your service day. You may provide us with a key to the lock or tell us the combination if that will be convenient for you.
What happens if I am skipped for some reason?
There are occasions when we are unable to service your property due to weather, holidays, vacations, or unexpected situations. When this occurs, we will resume services as soon as possible We do take two weeks a year off for vacation and will let know when this takes place. The skipped day(s) are charged as if we were there. The waste from these days will still be there when service is resumed along with additional waste.
What if you want to skip a service day?
If the dog(s) will be gone from the yard for a period of time, and you want to skip your yard during this time, we can hold service and you will not be charged for those days as long as the this no waste.
HOWEVER, if your gate is locked or the dog will not allow us to clean the yard, or for any other reason when we come to do the work, you will be charged for the service pickup that could not be completed.
How do I pay?
All new customers pay in advance for services to be rendered in the month pickup is started. We will send an invoice in the mail at the beginning of each following month, for services to be rendered for that month. Payment is due by the 16th of the month. We also offer to bill you on an average monthly rate.This gives you the same total each month making it easier setting up reoccurring payments and budgeting. Just let us know. You can leave me payment, send it, or pay through PayPal using our website or go directly to PayPal and use (PayPal address)
There is a $3.00 late fee for accounts not paid by the 25th of the month. We will also put your service on hold if your outstanding balance gets 1 month past due.
What does our company mean by “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED”?
We promise that you will get service you are happy with or you don’t have to pay for it! We know our business depends on doing excellent work, and it’s the quality of our service on which we stake our success. We’re working very hard to make our name mean reliable, high-quality service.
We strive to provide perfect service, but if there is ever a time when our service is not completely satisfactory, please let us know right away. We will make it right either by coming back to re-clean the yard the same day or the next day, or by crediting your account so you won’t be charged.
Do we work through the winter?
Yes. Dogs keep making their messes all year long, and our company continues to clean up and remove dog waste through winter.
What about holidays?
We do not work the following days:
1) Memorial Day 2) Independence Day 3) Labor Day 4) Thanksgiving Day
5) Christmas Day
Service returns to the regular pickup day the following week.
What happens if you do not pay your bill?
We will use all legal means available to us such as, small claims court, collection agencies, and lawsuits. If this should happen you will be responsible for all costs incurred to us What’s The Scoop?, as well as the total of your outstanding account balance.